I bet you all thought I'd just left the internet for a while! The truth is, I kind of did. You see, I had two midterms this past Friday and tried to restrict my Internet use as much as possible, so I didn't post any blog related things up to be able to study more. But, I finished my last midterm and am free until the 1st of December, when I start studying for finals :'(
LOL But I thought, since I'm free right now, that I'd update. So let's see what I have to tell you guys.
Firstly, I FINALLY finished that soldier story I was talking about! YES!!!! It gets workshop-ed on Tuesday, so I'm anxiously awaiting the opinion of my peers. I really hope they like it and don't find it too simple. If nothing else, I hope they find the narration consistent. I think that's the thing I'm hoping they like the most; the narration, because I spent so much time trying to make it flow with the story...
I won't know until Tuesday at 8PM, when class is over and my story has been workshop-ed. When I get their comments on my story and finish revising it, and make it really really good, I will post it on Fictionpress and post a link of that story here for you!
Secondly, well, since I'm finally done with midterms, and have Thanksgiving break right around the corner, I am gonna have some free time to indulge in something I have deeply missed. Poetry!!! :D I know I said in my last post that I thought I might get back into poetry soon, but, I was really busy with school, and Presidential club duties. I had to (sadly) put poetry on hold to get some things done. But, since most things are now done, and I have a break coming very very soon, I will FINALLY write poetry and come out of that unintentional hiatus!!!
The reason why I'm coming out of this hiatus? There's a lot of reasons for it, really. The reason to sum up all reasons is because I'm finding the poetry in everyday life again. I hear it in my music, see it in the cascading autumn leaves, feel it under the chilled handles of buildings during cold days, smell it in the crisp, damp air that remains after a rainstorm, and taste it in the hot chocolate I sip while looking at the water pound by my bedroom window...
^Obviously, I just have a drive to write poetry. I've been dying to write more after midterms because I have a new inspiration, a new muse, if you will. And what kind of poet ignores their muse?
Will I continue the "Little _____ Book" series's? Possibly. In general, I'm just going to write poetry. Depending on what comes out, I'll either use it for that poetry series, use it for a new series, or keep it as an original.
Either way, I'll be sure to post it here, for you all to read (especially those of you who are desperately waiting for poetry *cough*LycoRogue&Angelblood666*cough*
I'll also try to work on KLIYH soon. But I make no promises of an update soon, so please don't assume I will update within the week. You've all been warned! :3
Well, I think, writing-wise, that this is all I have to say...Yup, it's been a pretty uneventful pair of weeks when it comes to writing. Whereas other aspects of my life are finally starting to awaken.
Life-wise, I'm a very happy happy person. Writing-wise, I'm even happier. :)
So, in case I can't update for another pair of weeks, I want to take the time to give a shout out to my readers and tell you that I really appreciate you reading this blog and occasionally writing your thoughts! It makes me feel happy whenever someone writes a comment, because it helps me realize that I'm a good writer/poet. And helps me persevere to become a better one. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for listening. I'm really grateful you listen, and I'm really lucky to have people who listen.
Hope anyone who is celebrating Thanksgiving this week has a good one! And I hope everyone has a good time with their families, or even the people they care about. I know I'll have a good time home.
And with that, this update is over :)
Hey all blogger visitors! I'm a fanfiction and original writer, as well as a sketcher of pictures. And here, I'll share my ideas, struggles and journey into creativity. In my own, random way, of course!
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About Me

- darkangel1326
- Well, I'm not sure what to say. I'm a writer, and generally am creative. Sometimes, I can say something really wise, but most of the time, I'll say something not-so-wise. I have this somewhat random personality, but can be pretty interesting, or at least I've been told.
YAY! Update!
ReplyDeleteYAY! Posting story! Good luck with the workshop
YAY! Poetry! I love how poetic you were in describing your muses. :D
YAY! Lovely readers!