OMG SO MUCH STUFF!!! AHHH *Pulls hair out*
Haha Just kidding. Where to start? Where to start? It feels like these past 7 days went by so fast...
Well, I guess the best day to start, would be on Saturday. Well, that day, I easily slept until around 11AM (having gone to sleep at like 1-2AM myself) and hung out with my friend. You know, the one who I have talked about, that knows about 33's real name, back-story, and a few plot twists in "Of Blood and Honor".
Anyway, I showed her an old passage of a very old original story idea, which was called "Fear No Evil". This was written like in 2008-2009!!! This was so old; just to give you an idea of HOW old and HOW long ago this was...I was barely trying to find my writing style out at that time.
Here's the first paragraph of that story (again, this was not my best work)
It was a dark alley, where anything could hide itself; Demon
smoke, witches, warlocks, even a shape shifter or two. Despite the dead
darkness with cigarette smoke suffocating the otherwise fogless night, there
was a kind of peaceful silence. Then, a shape was thrown into a trashcan,
startling the sleeping pigeons to flight. In the dim moonlight, the shape
transformed into a man, around 25, with a suit under his badly beaten and worn
out black trench coat.
One word to sum up the main idea of this story: Apocalypse. Again, really really REALLY old story!
So, on Sunday, I just studied for class and got ready for Monday.
Monday, I finished doing an assignment for my Writing: Fiction class on Tuesday.
Yes, I have a writing fiction class, and its actually pretty neat. Basically, a class where we talk about some writing techniques, do a quick write, read our quick writes, talk about stories we were supposed to have read beforehand and get new readings for the following class. Every class meeting, two people (who signed up on the first day) read a chapter from a book, or a poem, or song lyrics, to the class and talk about why they chose this particular work; this exercise is called "Invoking the Muse".
The reason I even bring UP this class is because of what happened on Tuesday. I know I'm a writer. I'm pretty decent at it and I find it something I need to do. If I'm not writing SOMETHING, its like I'm suffering an aching from a bone. Writing is my sanity (I guess meaning this blog is also my sanity) so, I guess that, that has gotten me overconfident about my writing.
On Tuesday, when we did a writing exercise (it was a simple one. Our class leader, who is a grad student, brought 5 things to class. One was a broken ornament. It looked like a ball, black and solid, with the outside looking like bubble wrap [I can't really explain it...]. Another was a R2 D2 Pez dispenser. Another was dirty shoelaces, with trains (in red, yellow, blue, and green) all over, and one was a pocket watch, with a carving of a previous Chinese leader's face on it) I had two thoughts. One was about a soldier who has the dirty shoelaces. He gave train stamps (in red, blue, green, and yellow) to his son before he went to war, and told his son to "be strong and brave, like the trains". So, the soldier gets deployed and one day, he receives a letter. In it, are these white shoelaces, with colored trains stamped on crookedly. He opens the note, and sees "be strong and brave, like the trains, Daddy" in his son's jumbled scribble. He carries the shoelaces with him, and, of course, they get dirty, but he tries to keep them clean, and keeps looking at the trains there. This thought, that his family, especially his son are waiting for his return, drive him to survive, so he does. He comes home, and wants to surprise his family, so he doesn't tell them. He walks into his house and sees it normally. As he goes up the stairs, to see his sleeping son, (he comes home at night), he finds dark, thick, basically, I was going to have it so that the day the soldier comes back home, a murderer just killed his wife and son. Thus, he keeps the note and shoelaces, as a reminder of his innocent son.
But, I didn't write that in class. I just had that idea.
I, instead, went with the slightly angsty/kinda disney movie idea.
It was centered around the R2 D2 PEZ Dispenser. Basically, a 19 year old named Jimmy has a growing Star Wars collection, that fills his room and is now overflowing into a hallway. His mother comes in and threatens to kick him out if he doesn't throw away these things, to which he simply nods his head, but ignores. Anyways, summarizing the rest, he keeps the Star Wars stuff because it reminds him of his mentor/father figure who saved him from being beat up. His mentor loved Star Wars and told Jimmy the reason why was because "it was about a seemingly ordinary person doing extraordinary things". His mentor/father figure has a stroke and dies, so, in his honor, Jimmy begins to collect Star Wars things. Where does the R2 D2 PEZ Dispenser come in? Well, his mentor/father figure gave him the R2 D2 Dispenser to Jimmy in his will; that being his prized posession.
I know, its a lame story, but I wrote it, because I wanted to try to go out of my comfort zone. My angst-ridden comfort zone...LOL
Anyway, as I previously mentioned, we read these pieces aloud. And I read mine aloud. However, I felt SOOOO self-conscious about my writing by the time it was my turn. All the other stories were brilliant (some more than others) and here I had nothing more than this disney channel/after school special crap to share...I felt like my story was the worst. Like really really bad. So, on tuesday night (after class) till thursday night (the next class meeting), I felt like I hit a writer's low. Another one of those, "should I even bother writing anymore?" kind of period. But, I kept reading, and starting to re-read Markus Zusak's "The Book Thief". Now, this author is probably the closest author to my writing style. Him and Ayn Rand.
Well, I got so into re-reading it, that, on Thursday, when it was MY turn to "Invoke the Muse", I read "Death and Chocolate", the first chapter of "The Book Thief" to the class.
(I strongly encourage EVERYONE to read this book. I have read it at least 5 times in the past 4 years, and I HATE re-reading books!)
On another note, apparently, this book is also going to be a, we'll see how that turns out.
So, on Thursday, we had to do a writing assignment based on two paragraphs that were based on Jack: an old, lonely pessimistic man who meets Sarah: a young girl who is always happy. In the last few sentences, Jack thinks Sarah has a dark side, but he doesn't know.
I spent my 20 minutes writing on Jack, and really delving into his depression. The day he met Sarah, I really wanted him to question his life, and have her, the annoyingly happy teenage be his saving grace.
And I read it out loud, and, judging from the subtle "wow" I heard, and concentration I felt on my story, I'd say it was an improvement.
So, now, I'm just right. Not too cocky about my writing, and not too ashamed of it! XD
Which brings me to sickness...
Ever since Wednesday night, I've been having a slight cough. Yesterday, I had a sore throat, but this morning (I'm talking 4AM) I had mucus in my nose that kept me from sleeping. So, I'm currently writing this while eating chicken flavored pasta soup and drinking orange juice in a mug.
Long story short, it turns out I have a slight sinus inflammation, but I now have medicine. Don't worry about company! 33 has been talking to me, mostly through memories though. Alemina is talking to me in a softer tone now too. Kotone and Natsu like talking to me a lot. Quentin is doing his own thing and Reynard is being difficult. Rose still won't give me a second glance.
Anyway, that was my update! :D
PS Just realized something tragic. Today is October 5th. The day Arnold's Parents left him to help the Green-Eyed People, and never came back. :'(
To help bring back The Jungle Movie, as well as Arnold's parents, please sign the petition.
That is all!
First off, I love that PS at the end XD
ReplyDeleteSecondly, although it is a good practice to be a bit humble about one's talents, at the same time don't fret too much about your work seemingly worse than your classmates. For one thing, that used to happen to me all the time. I felt like I would never be able to keep up with everyone else. Between those bad feelings and a less-than-supportive professor I ended up not writing for recreation at all in college, and didn't start writing again until Hey Arnold inspired me in 2010 (four years I didn't write... FOUR).
On the flipside of things, you never know. Sure, you had awe from the whole class about your one story, but perhaps the one you were disappointed in made someone else feel the way you did about everyone else's stories. Maybe someone who you thought had a better story wished s/he was able to write like you. Then there's option number 3 - it really wasn't your best work. It happens. Not everything authors write is gold. But with hard work and revisions, the stuff you put real effort in to (not 5 min) will be amazing!
Also, I <3 your train shoelaces story. You need to write that sometime. It's so tragic! Right up your alley! n_n
And now I need to run off to work. *huggles*